Welcome to Evol.Mon! This is meant to be an informal reading group hosted by my lab to accomplish the goal of staying current with the literature in evolutionary biology. I would like participants to nominate papers that are interesting. The only guideline is that it must fall broadly within the field of evolutionary biology. If you find papers of interest, please e-mail them to me ( There will be no formal structure to this group. People with interests outside of evolutionary biology are also welcome. The person who nominates the paper will make a single statement about why the paper was chosen. The rest of the time will be open for discussion.
When and Where
After a long hiatus stemming from the pandemic and VCU's defunding of graduate programs, we are finally back as of Fall 2024. Evol.Mon is held every Monday, unless noted otherwise, during the academic year. We meet around 3:00 PM at my lab (room 342 of the Life Sciences Building) and then head off to a place with snacks.
Papers for Fall 2024
Weeks 1 & 2 (09/06/2024 & 09/13/2024)
Koski, M. H., L. F. Galloway, and J. W. Busch. (2022). Hybrid breakdown is elevated near the historical cores of a species' range. Proc. R. Soc. B. 289: 20220070. doi:​​
Week 3 (09/30/2024)
Adams, D. C. and M. L. Collier. (2019). Phylogenetic comparative methods and the evolution of multivariate phenotypes. Annual Review of Ecology, Evolution, and Systematics 50: 405-425. doi:​
See also: Cornwell, W. & S. Nakagawa. (2017). Phylogenetic comparative methods. Current Biology 27: R333-R336. doi:
Week 4 (10/07/2024)
Zeng, K., A. T. Sentinella, C. Armitage, and A. T. Moles. (2024). Species that require long-day conditions to flower are not advancing their flowering phenology as fast as species without photoperiod requirements. Annals of Botany. In press. doi:
Week 5 (10/28/2024)
Dixon, B. G., S. W. Davies, G. V. Aglyamova, E. Meyer, L. K. Bay, and M. V. Matz. (2015). Genomic determinants of coral heat tolerance across latitudes. Science 348: 1460-1462. doi:
Week 6 (11/11/2024)
Milesi, P., Kastally, C., Dauphin, B. et al. (2024). Resilience of genetic diversity in forest trees over the Quaternary. Nature Communications 15: 8538. doi:
Week 7 (11/18/2024)
Zhao, H., H. L. Shuixian Li, R. Zhang, et al. (2023). Delphinieae flowers originated from the rewiring of interactions between duplicated and diversified floral organ identity and symmetry genes. The Plant Cell 35: 994-1012. doi:
Week 8 (12/09/2024)
Uyeda, J. C., R. Zenil-Ferguson, and M. W. Pennell. (2018). Rethinking phylogenetic comparative methods. Systematic Biology 67: 1091-1109. doi: